Images on your website can tell more than a thousand words if they are high-quality & relevant to your site’s content. Otherwise, they are just tasteless, dull, & visually unattractive. If you keep following the masses & use the same stock photos as every website owner, you can’t make your website stand out. If you want to make your website unique, these Best Stock Photo Websites can help you.
Photography has always been an essential part of creativity & design. Unfortunately, we became accustomed to seeing cheesy stock images of people sunbathing on a beach. Not only most of these stock photos are not unique, but they also cost a lot.
Best Stock Photo Websites
1. Shutterstock

Shutterstock is one of the Best Stock Photo Websites & most famous stock image collection websites, offering users more than 200 million high-quality, licensed photos & adding a remarkable 200,000 more each day. Along with stock photos, Shutterstock offers various exclusive resources like vector images, editorial pieces, music, video footage, & much more.
Moreover, you can create & share your collections, access Shutterstock through famous platforms like Adobe & PowerPoint, & even make attractive social media posts with built-in editing features. With membership plans for every budget, whether you are a solopreneur or a large organization, Shutterstock can meet your needs.
2. Vecteezy
This one of the Best Stock Images Sites offers millions of free, high-quality stock images. Their library also contains vector images, illustrations, & 4K videos. While most of the resources are free to download & use, Vecteezy also offers a collection of Premium resources through a membership.
Premium members get unlimited downloads of their whole collection of images, including vectors & stock images. With provision for unlimited downloads & budget-friendly pricing, a Vecteezy Premium membership is an ideal choice for designers, freelancers, & creators who often need beautiful images at the most reasonable price.
3. StockSnap offers a huge assortment of attractive royalty-free stock photos & high-quality images. The site also has a very convenient search option, making it user-friendly to search the millions of images available. Moreover, the site also monitors views & downloads to enable you to find the most popular photos on their site.
StockSnap adds hundreds of images daily & all photos are published under the creative commons public domain – no giving credits is required.
4. Pexels

Pexels try to enable creators by offering them access to thousands of free stock images apt for any need. Every image is appropriately tagged & searchable, making your search process a lot easier when finding the ideal image.
They’re also exclusively chosen from images uploaded by users or obtained from various free image websites such as Little Visuals, Gratisography, & Pixabay so you can be assured of the quality.
When you finally find a photo of your choice, choose from numerous size options before downloading, including self-defined size. If you really like an image you see, you can always add it as your favorite for others to see.
5. Unsplash
This one is an exclusive stock photo site offering images not to be found elsewhere. Another positive side is that these images are free to use as you see fit or wish. These are taken by generous professional photographers willing to let you use their images.
On a 10-day basis, ten fresh new photos are published, so you know you can always have the freshest stock photos around. Since each photo is released under the Creative Commons Zero license, you can copy, edit, distribute, & use all images without giving any credit.
6. Pixabay
Pixabay offers more than 1.6 million photos to choose from, providing you the opportunity to find something really exclusive for your website.
The interface is user-friendly & easy to navigate, so don’t let their huge collection put you off. If you need help searching the images, you can filter based on images, illustrations, keywords, or vectors to shorten your results.
Lastly, please note that Pixabay offers free video clips to individuals too, which you can add to your website as a bonus for visitors.
7. Foodiesfeed
As the name suggests, this is the perfect stock photo site for food bloggers. The delightful images you will find here are so comprehensive you might forget they aren’t actually when you see them. You can select from more than 1,300 photos, filter as per food types (pizza, cake, stake, or drinks) & inspect the popular tags too, like top viewed, healthy, snacks & vegan.
As you navigate through images of your choice, you’ll also be suggested associated images to help you to finalize your creation. No matter your food blog type, these delicious images will only heighten the user experience.
8. Getty Images
This one is a high-profile stock photo website that offers more than 200 million creative, editorial, video, & music resources for advertisements, graphic design, print, marketing, & online use. In short, for any purpose.
Search for an image you want and click one from the displayed results. You’ll then see various image sizes (extra small, small, medium, & large) that you can buy; each differs in price per size. Various tools, content, & services are offered to help you with your creation & make it exclusive & attractive.
Some Honorable Mentions
It would be impossible to mention every Best Stock Photo Websites site available on the internet. Therefore, it is worth adding some more to the mix, just in case the ones fail to provide what you are looking for:
- Life of Pix.
- Jay Mantri.
- Picjumbo.
- ISO Republic.
- StockUnlimited.
- Picography.
- NegativeSpace.
- Death to Stock.
- Kaboompics.
- New Old Stock.
- Gratisography.
- Freepik.
Q: Can I find every type of stock image on these Best Stock Photo Websites?
A: Certainly you can; you can find almost every type of image except violent, vulgar, or prohibited images.
Q: How much do I need to pay for these images?
A: Many websites offer free stock images. There are some exclusive for premium members. And there are some which are free, but you need to pay for exclusive content.
Q: Can I be in any legal issue using these images?
A: Absolutely not. The majority of these images are royalty-free. If you have purchased an image, you have the authority to use it as your choice.