Tell us if this situation sounds familiar. One fine morning, you go to the bathroom to find the toilet is clogged. Or, after a hard day in the office, you return to your flat only to find no power. You checked the fuse & it seemed okay. There must be some other thing going on. You grabbed your phone & started searching ‘Plumber/Electrician near me.’ If you are a business owner, you must have realized the Benefits of Google My Business.
Every day, billions of people use Google to find a local coffee shop, home repair ideas, fashion trends, celebrity news, & so much more. With more than 75% of the global search market share, the search engine has easily maintained its top ranking and is only increasing.
According to estimates, Google receives 5.6 billion queries daily, with a significant portion of them being for local information. This indicates that the majority of searches are conducted by people seeking places in their immediate neighborhood.
Google My Business is Beneficial For The Following Reasons

1. Your Business Will Appear in Google Maps
While a fast Google search might help limit alternatives, 86% of people use Google Maps to find businesses nearby. Customers are more inclined to buy from you if they locate you nearby. Additionally, consumers are up to 50% more likely to make a purchase after finding a brand through their Google My Business profile.
Your store’s location will show up for local searches in Maps just by setting up a Google My Business profile and meeting the verification requirements.
For example, having a Google My Business account will allow your company to appear in Google Maps searches if you own a pest treatment company. It is one of the Benefits of Google My Business.
2. It is Quite Visible
The Google Local Pack takes up a lot of space on page one of Google search results, and after entering their search, it is the first result that each Google user sees. It enables consumers to quickly get the data they require. That is one of the Benefits of Google My Business.
The places connected to your search are included in the Google Local Pack, a Search Engine Results Page (SERP).
Additionally, it has a ton of other helpful details that any prospective consumer could find helpful, like the establishment’s star rating, its address on a map, its phone number in case customers have any extra questions or want to make a fast reservation, and its shop hours. Both companies and customers may benefit from this service.
The caliber of your GMB listing is another thing to which you should pay special attention. You should use a grammar checker to proofread your work. Your company’s credibility would be seriously harmed by a casual typo.
A careless misspelling would severely damage your company’s credibility. Additionally, do some research on your rivals to make sure you are keeping all crucial details.
3. Customers Can Rate & Review Your Business
In particular, when it comes to search rankings, one should always appreciate the influence of client reviews. According to studies, online reviews are thought to contribute 10% to search engine results rankings.
As a result, if you want your company to appear in the search results, you must use GMB to make it simple for consumers to submit favorable reviews of your company. You require reviews for the following reasons, among others. Reviews Boost Regional SEO.
When deciding what to buy, many people go to reviews for guidance. Internet evaluations may affect as many as 93% of consumers. Almost all of them, to be precise.
It’s because these brief text portions contain reviews from actual clients who weren’t paid by the company to promote its products or services. Because they perceive them to be more credible, people therefore trust what they say more. Before going to a local company, more & more consumers are reading user evaluations.
Search engines utilize reviews to rank search results because users enjoy reading them. Do routine local SEO analyses to gain semantic insights from your customers’ reviews, understand how consumers find you online, conduct GMB audits, & manage your local reputation. Hope it is clear why is Google Business Profile Important.
4. It Builds Trust of Customers
Today, one of the largest challenges for customers is gaining enough confidence in a company to make a purchase. Giving them your location on Google My Business is one of the simplest things you can do as a business owner to help with that.
In fact, customers are roughly three times more likely to view businesses that appear on Google as trustworthy. This is primarily attributable to the verification procedure for Google My Business being acknowledged to be legitimate.
Google is a reliable resource that people can rely on because it is well-known that companies must follow certain procedures in order to appear for a local search.
5. GMB Boosts Appeal of Your Business
Before making a purchase, 90% of customers check reviews. Customers will be able to rate your company & post comments for other people to see with a Google My Business listing. This is yet another Benefits of Google My Business.
By doing this, you’ll receive frank assessments of what you’re doing well (or what you should improve upon), & you’ll also obtain the star rating system next to your company on Google.
You’ll gradually begin to gather more reviews, leading to a better total rating (responding to reviews also helps with this). This is particularly beneficial if you want to obtain a competitive edge.
6. It’s Free & User-Friendly
No matter how good a product is, its potential won’t be realized if it’s excessively expensive, unusable, & challenging to use. In the case of Google My Business, thankfully, that is not the case.
Any business may use this cost-effective & simple tool to market their product or service because it is free and accessible. Your profile may be created & verified within a few hours. There are technologies available that will quickly verify you.
You may now dominate Google’s first page after doing that. Additionally, Google offers tools to assist in performance analysis so you may discover strategies to raise the rating of your company.
By raising exposure & increasing their chances of appearing in search results, Google My Business makes it simple for local companies to advertise their goods & services online.
Potential clients may locate you & contact you more easily with its assistance. You can use this free tool to strengthen your internet presence, establish client relationships, and raise sales for your company.
7. GMB Can Increase Your Traffic
Increased traffic is an answer to Why is Google Business Profile Important. Increasing in-store & quality online traffic is a problem many small companies have to deal with. Although it’s impossible to totally avoid the ups & downs during the year, having a Google My Business presence may significantly increase your statistics overall.
Businesses on Google My Business have a 70% higher chance of luring prospective clients for in-store location visits just by having a listing & appearing in local searches.
Additionally, up to 35% extra clicks to your website might be attracted by your Google My Business presence. Your local placement will, therefore, increase your traffic both online & offline.
8. GMB is Actually Free Advertising
The best approach to rank well on Google is to run a Google Ads campaign, but it might seem like an uphill battle when it comes to making the most of your Google Ads money. The alternative is to increase your SEO. However, using this strategy will require time & money to increase your authority and rating.
A Google My Business listing, on the other hand, provides a quick & cost-free method of online promotion. With Google My Business, you get free tailored exposure on the most reliable search engine on the planet.
Setting up a strong sponsored search campaign requires more work than optimizing your profile. Additionally, good local SEO relies heavily on accurate & updated listings.
This is not to imply that you shouldn’t use Google Ads or optimize your website for search engine results; both of these marketing tactics are well worth your time & money.
Google My Business, on the other hand, is an extra marketing tactic that is less expensive than sponsored search advertising & quicker than SEO—not to mention easier than both.
Some Stats To Make You Think
Up to this part, you must have realized the Benefits of Google My Business. Here are some stats that will compel you to use Google My Business:
- More local businesses are discovered online than any place else 97% of the time.
- The percentage of adults who use search engines to find information is 91%.
- Google commands a market share of more than 90%, according to an additional investigation.
- A startling 46% of all queries, according to Google, have a local focus.
- Visits to websites make up 56% of activities on Google My Business listings. Calls to the company account for 24% of activities. Direct searches make up 20% of all activities.
- Google My Business has been utilized by 64% of customers to discover local businesses contact information.
- Just through Google My Business, 16% of businesses get over 100 calls monthly.
Q: Can I make a GMB Profile for free?
A: It is a free service by Google. You don’t need to spend a penny on it.
Q: What do I do if customers rate my business badly?
A: Investigate the reason. Maybe you should improve your product/service customer service. A satisfied customer will always rate your business highly.
Q: Is there any way to rank higher in search results?
A: You can try Search Engine Optimization (SEO).