8 Importance of Digital Wellbeing in Young People

Dr. Ankit Sharma, PhD

Importance of Digital Wellbeing

In the twenty-first century, digital technology is a vital tool for communication and information access. However, it has also progressed to the point where the widespread use of digital gadgets has given them some kind of social control. The need to constantly browse through news feeds and input fragments of our lives into the algorithm has resulted from it. All are to be recognized and approved by the same algorithms. Here comes the importance of digital wellbeing.

Because of the profound effects that digital technology has had on our everyday lives, maintaining our digital health is now not only something to be mindful of but an essential aspect of using these gadgets. Young people in particular, who have grown up in a world molded by technology, should be aware of this.

You are at the correct spot if you are unfamiliar with the term “digital wellbeing” or if you just don’t know much about it. This article explains digital wellness and offers easy actions that may promote positive interactions with common technology.

Why Digital Wellbeing Plays A Crucial Part In Our Lives

Importance of Digital Wellbeing

1. Protects From Sedentary Lifestyles

Our sedentary lives may result from overusing digital gadgets, which can lead to issues with our physical and mental health. Long periods spent in front of a computer without getting up and exercising may often result in weight gain, an elevated risk of heart disease, and feelings of loneliness.

To help mitigate these impacts, you may learn to break up lengthy work or web surfing periods with easy physical activities that raise your heart rate. One of the vital importance of digital wellbeing is that it protects us from this danger.

2. Assures Rest And Recovery

Everyone needs to rest and heal, but children and young people in particular need these things as they grow and develop. For instance, getting too little sleep may negatively impact physical health and make studying more challenging. In the end, adults are in charge of their child’s future. The evening should be strictly restricted to a time without electronic gadgets.

Research has been done on how using electronics in the evening affects sleep. One such consequence is that the light from screens may disrupt the body’s natural synthesis of the hormone melatonin. Digital gadgets may, of course, help with sleep tracking, and a wide range of devices and programs are available for this purpose.

Moreover, using digital media to recuperate throughout the day should not be the sole option. Equipment-free leisure should also be a part of daily life.

3. Protection From Emotional Distress

Emotional anguish is a drawback of excessive internet use that emphasizes the need for digital wellness. Constant exposure to false online images of people and their lifestyles may lead to feelings of inadequacy and jealousy. These emotions might be made worse by the focus that is placed on visual communication on the internet.

A distorted image of what life is or maybe is often presented in online postings that have been altered. Depression and feelings of inadequacy may result from this. This may be even more harmful to young individuals, who are still figuring out how to navigate the world. Another step toward maximizing the benefits of digital wellbeing is learning to take a step back, verify the veracity of postings, and stop worrying about lifestyle fallacies.

4. Allocating Time For Hobbies And Exercise

The internet offers fantastic possibilities for self-realization, finding others who share interests, and learning new things. There’s no reason why this shouldn’t be promoted for young people. When a young person loses interest in things that were formerly significant to them or when a child loses enthusiasm for their hobbies due to excessive screen time, internet use becomes concerning.

It is beneficial for adults to be curious about what kids and teens do online and the emotions it arouses in them. By inquiring, an adult may also pick up knowledge from their children. It’s recommended to talk about potential internet activities with one another. When screen time takes up time that might be spent exercising, using digital media becomes problematic from the perspective of wellbeing. A lot more kids and teens should be exercising.

Additionally, digital tools and software may enhance exercise planning and promote physical activity. It’s important to keep in mind, however, that youngsters should ideally be exercising and moving in a free, enjoyable, and comfortable manner rather than gazing at a screen.

5. Fighting Digital Addiction

Anything overused that keeps you from experiencing life to the fullest is problematic. When we are cut off from our gadgets, digital addiction may cause emotions of dread or worry, just like any other addiction. It may also lead to a loss of interest in past passions. This may have a detrimental effect on our mental growth and sense of self. This may have a double-edged effect on young individuals, whose brains are still growing.

Having services to assist in handling internet use that borders on addiction is essential. Allowing individuals to know where and the importance of digital wellbeing helps prevent the devastating effects of digital addiction on people’s lives, particularly young people.

6. Aids Social Relationships And Safety

Social media is a vital tool for the majority of young people to keep up connections, and digital media may enhance social ties. With the use of these instruments, grandparents and other important individuals may also be present in daily life, even if they live far away.

However, deep familial ties that are essential to welfare may sometimes be overlooked in digital communication. As a result, setting up family time without electronics is acceptable. Taking an interest in and having a conversation about a young person’s or a child’s online social interactions is also beneficial.

Parents must make sure that their kids can use technology responsibly and securely. An adult should have frequent conversations with their kid about the kind of images, videos, and information that they may publish online about themselves and other people.

It is beneficial for an adult to help a kid develop the capacity to set and maintain limits for themselves, even while using social media. The young person or kid should be aware that they may always talk to a parent or guardian about anything unpleasant, perplexing, or humiliating they may come across online.

7. Boosts Social Skills

In an age dominated by digital communication, young people may struggle to develop essential social skills. Face-to-face interactions are critical for building empathy, understanding non-verbal cues, and establishing meaningful relationships. Overreliance on texting and social media can hinder these developmental processes.

By emphasizing the benefits of digital wellbeing, we can encourage young people to balance their online interactions with in-person connections. Initiatives that promote offline activities—such as community events, sports, and clubs—can help young individuals hone their social skills, fostering genuine connections and improving their ability to navigate interpersonal relationships.

8. Helps To Build Resilience

Digital wellbeing plays a significant role in fostering resilience among young people. The digital landscape is fraught with challenges, from cyberbullying to the pressure of maintaining an online persona. Building resilience involves equipping young individuals with coping strategies and the ability to manage stress.

Encouraging a healthy relationship with technology can help young people develop skills to deal with adversity, such as seeking support, recognizing when to disconnect, and practicing self-care. By promoting resilience in the context of digital engagement, we can prepare young people to navigate the complexities of their online lives while maintaining their mental and emotional wellbeing.

Tips For Digital Wellbeing

A young person’s digital health may be impacted by any unfavorable online experience, but according to what they tell us, some problems are more likely to influence how they feel while using the internet. Follow these tips to convey the importance of digital wellbeing to them:

Discuss how using the internet might affect our feelings: Establish a routine of regularly checking in with young people after their technology use.

Make use of wellness apps and gadgets: For instance, a wide range of gadgets and platforms provide resources to enhance digital wellness. Additionally, you may be able to utilize the “mute” or “do not disturb” options or disable app alerts. Click on the helpful links to get additional inspiration.

Establish routines, limits, and appropriate behavior models: Adults must demonstrate responsible digital use to children, therefore setting an example for them by acting responsibly. Setting clear guidelines for younger children’s meaningful usage of technology may also be facilitated by creating a routine or using a family agreement.

Direct readers to the relevant resources: Adolescents must be aware of the resources available to them for assistance, whether it is a hotline or a reliable adult in their family or school.

Stay informed: Furthermore, in the unlikely event that your kid needs assistance with something troubling or distressing them online, you must know what to do or where to turn for support. For further guidance, resources, and reporting avenues, please visit our assistance page for parents and caregivers.


Q: What factors may affect a child’s safety online?

A: The nature of children’s online lives and the harmful pressures associated with social media are among the main issues. Numerous elements, such as the amount of time spent on gadgets, our interactions with people, and the things we are exposed to, might impact our digital wellness.

Q: Does the use of digital technology benefit kids’ lives?

A: The way digital technology has revolutionized the education sector is one of the most important ways it has enhanced children’s lives. Interactive digital platforms enable young learners to access the world outside the four walls of traditional classrooms.

Q: How does time become saved with Digital Wellbeing?

A: You may set daily restrictions and see the applications and websites you use most often under Digital Wellbeing. Those websites and applications halt and stop sending you alerts when you reach the limit. As a result, you will only spend the time and place that you want.

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